BBVA Bancomer commits to Gamelearn’s videogames to improve staff negotiation skills


“If you want to reach everybody in your company, you have to make use of all available technologies, including gamification and videogames.”

Carlos Gallardo Flores, Training Director at BBVA Bancomer

CompanyBBVA Bancomer, Financial services
TrainingBBVA Bancomer commits to Gamelearn’s videogames to improve staff negotiation skills
Skills DevelopedSkills Developed Continuous Learning, self-confidence, communicating effectively, steady focus, conflict management, innovation and creativity, leadership, negotiation, drive to deliver results, analytical thinking, planning, organizing and coordinating, problem solving, tolerance to pressure, decision-making, customer service.
ProgramPeriod: 2015-2017. Trained employees: 250
Serious GamesMerchants, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Serious Game


BBVA Bancomer is Mexico’s largest bank with over 20% of the market and nearly 20 million clients. In a context of increasing competition and ever-emerging technologies (online banking, big data or fintech), the company has committed to innovation and talent to remain the market leader.

To do so, BBVA Bancomer’s human resources department has given its all to create a training ecosystem capable of integrating all format types and reaching every generation in the company. The goal was to get a quality multichannel and multidisciplinary platform that would be attractive to employees with ages ranging from 18 to 65 (millennials, baby boomers, generation X, etc.).


  • Improve and round off BBVA Bancomer’s training ecosystem to reach employees of every generation in different formats.
  • Shore up the negotiation skills of the company’s product development department.
  • Provide practical and interactive training that towers above traditional e-learning and engages the competitive spirit of its employees.


  • Maximum quality contents. Merchants offers the best techniques, tips and skills for negotiating, and is chock-full of examples and concepts that have had proven success across hundreds of companies worldwide.
  • Direct practice and experiential learning. Since the department heads at BBVA Bancomer finished Merchants, they have remained very impressed with the ability to directly practice their learned skills.
  • Ensure that employees can manage their own training.
  • Competition and challenges for a motivated staff. Thanks to its gamification techniques and classifications, the serious game Merchants was able to motivate and captivate bank employees, who usually thrive in competitive and challenging environments.


  • Completion rate 90%
  • Course recommendation rate 90%
  • Applicability rate 100%